Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Bin Strike

The Bin Men are on Strike and our bins still haven't been emptied.

Why, because i live in Leeds, have i not had my bins emptied for a month? because fucking Bin Men don't realise that if they want to earn more, they could fuck off and train or have paid more attention at school.

Whilst most of the private sector has been hit hard by the current, economic climate, most have accepted the 5% to 10% pay cuts that have been imposed. Forgive me if i'm wrong but that's because people wanted to keep their jobs.

Why don't the council simply sack the fucking morons and negotiate with a private firm like Biffa? I understand that things aren't that simple (i'm not a bin man) but there's got to be something they can do.

BIN MEN - Wake up and realise that you work in the private sector and that Gordon and his boys have clearly stated that there will be hundreds of job cuts to keep the essential staff in jobs. £18k for emtying bins, a completely un-skilled job, is fantastic pay and if the people stating that they'll lose £6k per annum are on over £20k, i have even less sympathy.

Play ball and go back to work.

Mr Angry

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Embrace the self service checkout!

Why use this when you can be British, and queue?

They're supposed to reduce ques. They're supposed to speed up the process of going in and out of the supermarket - So why don't people use them?

In a study two weeks ago, it was deduced that the number of British casualties resulting from the sinking of the Titanic was due to one simple fact; We formed an orderly queue. How British can you get?

While Americans, and all other nations, fought to get into life boats - we simply acted like we were waiting for a bus.

I think this goes some way to explaining why a large percentage of people shun these handy machines. It may take away the personal element of talking to a human being, but unless you're incredibly lonely, why do you want polite chat with a stranger?

This morning i visited my local Tesco Express. When i got to the checkout, there were two self service machines crying out to be used. As opposed to this happening, several human sheep (all of differing ages) had hearded together, and formed a queue. This resulted in the poor girl on the till having to ring the bell, and get another member of staff to open another till. Why? There can only be one reason. As a nation, we enjoy following others. We fear change, and technophobia over the age of 35 is rife.

I made a beeline for the machine and was out of the supermarket within seconds. The next time you visit you're supermarket, think about the staff. Use the bloody machine! and unless your 65 years of age, there's really no excuse for ignoring a self service checkout.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Travelling by bus...

There's a time in every ones life, that you have to use public transport. For me, that's most days. The obvious advantages are that you don't have to drive, concentrate, or fill the tank up. You can listen to your IPOD or generic MP3 Player, and switch off. The disadvantages are that you have to contend with the general public - some of them smell, some are too fat and take up to much room, and most (at best) are completely retarded.

This morning was a prime example. I sat next to a fat man, meaning i couldn't sit properly on my seat as he took all of the space. We moved on, and after two stops, all of the seats had gone. You could see the confusion on peoples faces (this always happens) and peoples reluctance to move to the back of the bus, which is the obvious, sensible thing to do - But no. 10 people crowded into the front of the bus. One retard stood on my foot, and another (obviously infuriated by the sheep hearding together) pushed past them, with a laptop on his shoulder. Due to him being a memeber of the general public, his spacial awareness has never been honed, and proceeded to hit me in the head with his bag. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE??? Here's some handy tips.
1) If you don't need to go to work in a morning - some people do - fuck off and wait until a day rider is a pound cheaper.

2) If the seats are taken, move to the back of the bus.

4) If you're a fat retard, don't use public transport (especially in a morning, you're missing Jeremy Kyle anyway) Use a gym!

5) Gain an understanding of spacial awareness.

I'm interested in hearing what others think about this...